A domain name is a bit like your physical address in that it’s how people find you out there on the World Wide Web. That’s why we call the bar at the top of a web browser the address bar - it’s where you enter a domain name to find a website. If a domain name is like your address then the server your website is hosted on is like the physical building. When you create a website, you set your domain name to point to your server so that if people want to find your website, they can enter your domain name and it’ll take them straight there.
We provide an easy interface to register and renew your domains. You can also transfer your domains from other registrars to us to take benefit of lower pricing and better control. Most domains can be registered from between one to ten years. Our premium domain registration services help businesses register their online brand presence. We provide - .com, .net, .edu, and .biz, and domain extensions – that have the potential to make your business-critical website more search relevant and descriptive on global platform.
With K2 Infotech, registration of your domain name is easy and simple. You can choose from a wide range of domain names, buy and renew at competitive prices. We allow you to search for the availability of domain names that perfectly suit your business, so that you can get a remarkable jump-start.
K2 Infotech web applications hosting offers enterprises the opportunity to operate their software applications from the cloud via application hosting services.
The specialists at K2 Infotech strive to offer highest quality database hosting services that can empower your business and to reach your desired goals.
K2 Infotech provides fast and affordable domain name registration service. Buy with confidence and grow your business without breaking your budget.
Initially we thought our website was going be just to validate us as a company. But what it did actually was save a bunch of time by implementing different tools that we didn’t even know we could use a website for.
When you choose K2 Infotech you get a wonderful, professional team with innovative ideas, awesome customer service, and exactly what you’re looking for. Iceberg took the ideas that we had and put them perfectly on the web.
Please make sure that you thank everyone at K2 Infotech for all of the work they have done, we are very happy with everything and will be recommending your services to anyone that will listen. Pass it on please.